Programme de recherche
Janusz Kaczorowski
- Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigator), Dolovich L, Daly T, Lussier MT, Agarwal G, Chiu M. Knowledge translation initiative to support the implementation of CHAP across Canada. Canadian Vascular Network, $190,000.00, 2017-2019
- Stefan M-A, Kaczorowski J (Co-prinicipal investigators), Agarwal G, Lussier M-T, Haggerty J. Readiness assessment of implementing the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in subsidized social housings in Quebec. Réseau-1 Québec, $19,909.00, 2016-2017
- Wendy NV, Kendall T(Principal Investigators), Blake JM, Brant RF, Brooks M, Bryan S, Christilaw JE, Costescu DJ, Dunn SF, Emberley P, Foster AM, Guilbert E, Kaczorowski J, Meuser JC, Munro SB, Renner RM, Soon JA, Stroulia E, Teng FF, Waddington A. Mifepristone implementation in Canada (The CART-Mife Study). Canadian Institues for Health Research (Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI)). Institute of Health Services and Policy Research ($400,000.00), Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research ($80,000.00), B.C. Women’s Hospital ($125,000.00), Total: $605,000.00, 2016-2018
- Liu P (Principal Investigator), Tu K, Tobe S, Tu J, Kaczorowski J. Accelerated Canadian AppliCation of Evidence to Practice Through Monitoring of Outcomes Research team Endeavour (ACCEPT-MORE). Vascular Network, $300,000.00, 2016-2018
- Parkash R, Connolly S, Dorian P, Atzema C, Graham I, Kaczorowski J, Huynhthanh T. Canadian Community Utilization of Stroke Prevention Study – Focusing on Emergency Department Care (C-CUSP ED). Heart and Stroke Foundation, $268,635.00. 2016-2019
- Bruneau J, Jutras-Aswad D, Lévesque GP (Principal Investigators), Brissette S, Kaczorowski J, Masse B, Perreault M, Tremblay J. Initiation of opioid agonist therapy with daily witnessed methadone or flexible take-home dosing of buprenorphine/naloxone for prescription opioid users: A pragmatic patient-centred randomized controlled trial-QC/Maritimes. Canadian Institues of Health Research (Operating Grant: CRISM – Prescription Drug Abuse ). $1,110,000.00. 2015-2019
- Norman WV (Principal Investigator), Costescu D, Dunn S, Foster A, Janssen P, Kaczorowski J, Kendall T, Mason R, Renner R, Samiedaluie S, Waddington A. Planning for the CONNECT study: Integrating family planning into community services for women experiencing intimate partner violence. Society of Family Planning (2015 Interdisciplinary Innovation Grants). $US25,000.00. 2015-2016
- Dolovich L (NPI), Bernatsky SR (PI), Beyene J(PI), Cadarette S (PI), Carleton B (PI), Dormuth C(PI), Kim R (PI), Levine MA (PI), Straus SE (PI), Thabane L (PI), Abrahamowicz M, Agarwal G, Alsabbagh W, Beazely M, Bjerre L, Brown E, Farrell B, Gagnon M-A, Gamble J-M, Ho C, Holbrook A, Kaczorowski J, Kowalec K, Mangin D, Oremus M, Papaioannou A, Platt R, Raina PR, Michael J, Sketris I, Slavcev R, Tarride J-E, Thavorn K, Tricco A. The Drug Safety and Effectiveness Cross-Disciplinary Training (DSECT) Program. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $1,373,522.00. 2015-2020.
- Beaulieu M-D, (chercheure principale désignée), Kaczorowski J, Légaré F, Pluye P, Vanasse AP, Boivin A, Dumez V, Mâsse B, Éthier J-F, Rahme E (chercheurs principaux). L’Unité de soutien à la recherche axée sur le patient du Québec (« Unité SOUTIEN SRAP-Qc ») les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) (16 M $) et ses partenaires, le MSSS (10,5 M $), le FRSQ (5,5 M $). Total: $32,000,000.00, 2014 – 2019.
- Lesage A (Principal Investigator), Conrod P, Kaczorowski J, Renaud J, Vasiliadis H-M. Scan environnemental des meilleures pratiques au niveau international en santé mentale pour les jeunes de 6 à 25 ans. Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), Fondation Graham Boeckh, Ministère de la Santé et des services sociaux (MSSS). $100,000.00, 2015-2016
- Dolovich L, Agarwal G, Angeles RN, Cristobal F, Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigators), Agbulos RM, Arciaga R, Barrera JR, Fernando A, Guenter D, Halili S Jr, Jalani NT, O’Reilly D, Smith JF, Stobbe K, Thabane L, Tobe SW. Community Health Assessment Program in the Philippines (CHAPP). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Team Grant: Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes), $1,466,575.00, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), $508,100.00, Total: $1,972,675.00, 2015-2019
- Bruneau J, Couillard J, Lévesque G-P, Conrod P, Jutras-Aswad D, Kaczorowski J, Lavigne G, Perreault M, Roy E, Stewart SH(Principal applicants), Amyot C, Barakett W, Bond T, Christie T, De Kiewit A, Dufour C, Duguay L, Laliberte J, Laplante D, Lavallée MS, MacIsaac CP, Marcoux V, Mascitto J, Massé R, Massicotte L, Meeson J-S, Ménard J-M, Plourde EJ-C, Purvis G, Ramka V, Trottier C, Asbridge M, Barbeau D, Barrett SP, Battista S, Bélanger R, Bertrand K, Boulanger A, Brissette S, Brochu S, Brunelle C, Brunelle N, Choinière M, Cox JJ, Fallu J-S, Fleury M-J, Gilbert RW, Goye M-E, Hudon C, Hudon E, Leclerc P, Lesperance P, Lussier M-T, Lynch ME, Masse BR, Pencer A, Potvin S, Racine E, Saint-Jacques M, Stip E, Tremblay J. CRISM-Quebec-Maritimes: Research on interventions in drug misuse. CIHR (Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse – Nodes), $1,749,352.00, 2015-2019
- Halperin SA (Principal Investigator), Andrew MK, Bettinger JA, Bolotin S, Brisson M, Coleman BL, Crowcroft NS, De Serres G, De Wals Ph, Deeks SL, Dubé E, Fisman DN, Hatchette TF, Isenor J, Kwong JC, Langley JM, Loeb MB, MacDougall HA, Mahmud S, McNeil SA, Naus M, Ogilvie GS, Quach-Thanh C, Scheifele DW, Top KA, Van Buynder P, Vaudry WL, Ward BJ, Watts TH, Wilson K, Wilson S (Principal investigators), Deehan H, Alary M, Alcantara J, Allen UD, Barrett L, Benchimol EI, Bergler S, Beutels Ph, Boily M-C, Boivin G, Bortolussi RA, Bowie WR, Bowles SK, Buckeridge DL, Buxton J, Desai S, Diaz-Mitoma FJ, Dobson SR, Drews SJ, Elsherif MS, Fergusson DA, Fisher WA, Gagneur AA, Gantt SM, Gemmill IM, Graham JE, Green KA, Guay M, Guichon JR, Halperin BA, Hawken S, Heffernan JM, Hens N, Jamieson FB, Kaczorowski J, Katz KC, Kirwin E, Kollmann TR, Krajden M, Kuhn S, Lagacé-Wiens Ph, Larson HJ, Leblanc JJ, Lemieux-Mellouki Ph, MacDonald SE, MacDonald T, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Marra F, Marrie TJ, Mazzulli T, McConnell A, Mcelhaney JE, McGeer AJ, Monnais-Rousselot LA, Osgood ND, Pernica J, Pham-Huy A, Pierrynowski MacDougall DM, Pinto MA, Poirier A, Pourbohloul B, Powis J, Price VE, Richardson DC, Rosella LC, Russell ML, Sander BH, Sanford C, Sauvageau C, Schryvers AB, Severini A, Slayter K, Smith BR, Smith DM, Smith SW, Smyth DJ, Sung L, Svenson LW, Tran D, Tsang RS, Tu K, Tustin J, Valiquette L, Wang J, Webster DV, Wu J, Ye L. Canadian Immunization Research Network. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Canadian Immunization Research Network), $ 583,497.00; Public Health Agency of Canada, $6,000,000.00. Total: $6,583,497.00, 2014-2017
- Kaczorowski J, Dolovich L, Lussier MT (Principal investigators), Forget M, Montigny M, Chambers LW, Drouin D, Fletcher A, Goeree RA, GoudreauJ, Grad RM, Lalonde L, Tardif JC, Thabane L. Implementation and Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in Québec (CHAP-Qc). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grant (bridge funding), $100,000.00, 2014-2015
- Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigator), Del Grande C, Kruger H, Tobe S. Structured inventory of evidence-based models for the effective prevention and management of vascular conditions in Canada. Vascular Network, $72,500.00, 2014-2016
- Éthier JF, Cossette B (Principal Investigators), Joly-Minschlich T, Kaczorowski J, Lanthier L, Payette H, Ricard G. Amélioration de la prescription médicamenteuse pour la personne âgée hospitalisée. Programme de subventions Merck Sharpe & Dohme, $50,000.00, 2014-2015
- Haggerty JL, Durand PJ, Groulx A (Co-Pis), Ahmed S, Archambault P, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu MD, Boivin A, Bonin L, Couturier Y, Fortin M, Gagnon B, Grad RM, Hudon C, Kaczorowski J, Kucukyazici B, Lalonde L, Lang A, Legare F, Legare J, Li PT, Sanderson D, St-Pierre M, Tourigny A, Verter V. The Quebec Knowledge-1 Network: A Learning Community For Primary And Integrated Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (SPOR Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations – Quebec), $75,000.00; Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), $20,000.00; McGill University, $10,000.00; Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec), $38,750.00; St. Mary’s Hospital Center, $6,250.00, Total: $150,000.00, 2014-2015
- Agarwal G, Dolovich L, McDonough B (Principal Investigators), Chambers LW, Goeree R, Kaczorowski J, McLeod B, Thabane L. A Community Paramedicine Initiative for Older Adults Living in Subsidized Housing. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Operating grant), $370,979.00; 2014-2017
- Bruneau J, Barbeau D, Couillard J, LéVesque GP, Conrod P, Jutras-Aswad D, Kaczorowski J, Roy E. CRISM-QUÉBEC: Réseau Québécois -Recherche sur les interventions en abus de substances/Research on Interventions for substance misuse. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Initiative Canadienne sur l’abus de substances), $49,832.00; 2014-2015
- Stewart DJ (PI), Farrell J, Kelloway LJ, Lewis M, O’Callaghan CM, O’Neill BJ, Anand SS, Anderson TJ, Archer SL, Beanlands R, Black SE, Corbett DR, De Azeredo Coutinho T, Eisenberg MJ, Friedrich MG, Graham ID, Gramolini AO, Hamel E, Hegele RA, Husain M, Kaczorowski J, Khan NA, Kimmelman J, Krueger H, Liu PP, Mcalister FA, Michelakis ED, O’Brien ER, Perry JJ, Pilote L, Schiffrin EL, Smith, Stiell IG, Tanguay JF, Tobe SW, Tonelli M, Touyz RM, Tu JV, Tu K, Weisel RD, Wells PS, Wright GA. Vascular Network; Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $4,350,000.00; Heart & Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, $250,000.00; Hypertension Canada, $500,000.00; Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, $125,000.00; McGill University, $62,500.00; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, $250,000.00; ThéCell : Le réseau de thérapie cellulaire et tissuaire du FQRS, $150,000.00; The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, $125,000.00; Université de Montréal, $375,000.00; University of Alberta, $125,000.00; University of Ottawa Heart Institute, $250,000.00; University of Western Ontario, $125,000.00; Total: $6,687,500.00; 2013-2018
- Pavel Hamet P, Turgeon J (Co-PIs), Kaczorowski J, Knoppers BM, Lachaine J, Tremblay J, Michaud V. OPTI-THERA: Therapeuthic optimization in primary care. Fonds de partenariat our un Québec innovant et en santé (Ministère des Finances et de l’Économie du Québec); $18,374,984.00; 2013-2018.
- Haggerty J, Pluye P. Légaré F, Fortin M, Tousignant P, Kaczorowski J (Co-principal investigators). Réseau de recherche en soins et services de santé de première ligne (Réseau-1 Québec). Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS); $3,000,000.00; 2013-2018
- Daly T, Srinivasan V, Ahmad F (Co-principal investigators), Angeles RN, Kaczorowski J, Syed IU. The Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program for the South Asian Community in York Region: Assessing volunteer participation and the gender and ethno-specific impacts. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI), $289,669.00; Rx&D Health Research Foundation, $289,670.00; Canadian Stroke Network ($100,000.00). Total amount: $679,339.00; 2013-2016
- Lefebvre H, Roy O (Co-principal investigators), Beauchamp J, Chouinard A, Compagna L, Déry J, Brault I, Contandriopoulos D, Dagenais C, Dubois S, Girard FM, Kaczorowski J, Larue C, Le May S, Levert MJ, Malo D. Développer une innovation clinique en oncologie: pour un meilleur continuum de soins et de services pour les patients atteints de cancer. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI), $291,913.00; Rx&D Health Research Foundation, $91,916.00; Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal , $3,000.00; Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux , $80,000.00. Total amount: $666,829.00; 2013-2016
- Norman WV, Christilaw JE, Bryan S (Co-principal investigators), Geber J, Kendall P, Brant RF, Dunn SF, Kaczorowski J, Ogilvie G, Shechter S, Shoveller JA. Contraception Access Research Team – Contraception Cost-effectiveness Modeling (CART-CCM). Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI), $587,864.00; Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, $80,000.00; B.C. Women’s Hospital, 40,000.00. Total amount: $707,864.00; 2013-2015
- Kaczorowski J. Introducing CHAP in Québec: A Knowledge Mobilization Strategy. Canadian Stroke Network, $24,865.00, 2013-2014
- Vedel I, Couturier Y, Aubin M, Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigators), Haggerty J, Rodriguez C, Fortin M, Kroger E , Borgès Da Silva R. Plan d’action ministériel sur les troubles cognitifs liés au vieillissement : une évaluation de l’implantation et des résultats des projets initiaux en vue d’une généralisation progressive au Québec. Fonds PFIZER-FRQS-MSSS, $499,795.55, 2013-2015
- Kaczorowski J, Daly T, Dolovich L, Lussier MT (Principal Investigators), Farrell J, Montigny M, Srinivasan V, Tobe SW, Ahmad F, Angeles R, Chiu M, Dahrouge S, Fletcher A, Goeree R, Goudreau J, Jones C, Lalonde L, McDonough B, Nadeau-Grenier V, Paterson M, South J, Syed I, Tardif JC, Thabane L, Tu K. Canadian Chronic disease Awareness and Management Program (C-CHAMP). Canadian Institues of Health Research (Team Grant: Community-Based Primary Healthcare), $2,496,974.00, 2013-2018